Few developments since the last post. One, I've nearly abandoned my previous form of Korean studies, it got to the point where it wasn't helping...at all. So I've found a replacement, so far so good. It's giving me more practice and makes understanding the grammar very simple. My problem with the last course was that I couldn't find time outside the course to practice the concepts. But in this new program I can easily practice while studying, so we'll see how this goes. Hopefully I won't have to abandon this in the next month. As an additional practice, I've started watching more Korean films. Not going to lie, before coming to Korea I was not a fan of Korean cinema, but apparently I got the bad seeds out of the bunch because I'm falling in love with this country's cinematic landscape. For those of you back home, if you're in the mood for a little cinematic culture, check out My Sassy Girl and J.S.A (Joint Security Area), you won't be disappointed.
The reason why I'm writing this post, however, is getting the word out there. I've officially signed my life away for one more year. Contract end date: October 31, 2013. I'll be a Gurye resident for another sixteen months. Then who knows. I got the contract this morning and signed off about 50 different pages, but it's official. So even though I'll be seeing you, Canada, around Christmas, we'll have to say goodbye one more time. Sorry, it's not you.
I have a feeling that next year is going to be filled with more adventures than I can plan on as I've missed out on so many festivals this year. I'll have to jump into the Korean spirit and check out all of these traditions the next time around.
Speaking of Korean adventures, I've joined a volunteer group in neighbouring Suncheon/Gwangyang. They're the group that took us rafting a while back. A couple weekends back we had the chance to visit a salt farm and check out the Yeonggwang Coast. Beautiful spot. Absolutely beautiful. I always forget how much I miss the water until I'm standing on the edge and looking at the horizon where water and sky perfectly align. The group is a great chance to meet other foreigners and Koreans alike. Really great people out there. Glad to be a part of it. We'll be hosting a Cultural Fair in a couple weeks, not entirely sure what it's all about, but I have a feeling mentioning that I play keyboard was a bad idea. Speaking of...I've already been asked to play in my school festival in the fall...eep. The fact that I can't practice might put a damper on that.
I've also recently bought an oven, and it was the best decision I've made in a long time. A weekend in meant to catch up on things I've fallen behind on led me to a day of cooking and baking. Less than one week and I've made five or six cakes (to share, of course, which the school loved) and three eggplant parmesians for the freezer, plus enough roasted vegetables to feed a small country. Apparently I was a little stir crazy for baked goods.
Speaking of food. The 3-week camp I had has been reduced to two days. I don't think you can understand how ecstatic I was to hear that. Plus, it'll be with the two other male foreigners in my town, and topic of choice: Iron Chef. Two days of non-stop cooking. Summer is shaping up. I'm excited to see how it'll pan out. It's only two days, so even if it's a failure, it's not a total loss.
Oh, for those of you Vanier graduates out there who can remember grade 9 Religion, I introduced a little game called Bite the Bag to my classes as a way to reduce the stress from studying and all I can say is it is freaking brilliant. Never thought I would have got anything out of that class, but it made for a hilarious day in the class.
주말에 재미있어요. 저는 여러분 그리워해요. 십이 월에 볼거예요!