2012년 1월 20일 금요일

Pre-Departure Check In

Well camp is over, it was only two weeks but I'm glad it's done. By the start of this week everyone had lost interest in school. Don't blame them, even though we weren't doing work, who really wants to be in class during their vacation? Made a couple mini-films and watched some movies, so it was alright. Three more weeks of camp coming up in February, not entirely sure why, but I plan on doing a sports camp, different game everyday. Maybe a little dodgeball, soccer and football for these restless teenage boys.

Finally got in some much needed snowboarding this season and I was just blown away. At first Graham, Lauren and myself got to Muju Resort (which is about 2.5 hours north in another province) and it was just like Blue. We may as well have been in Canada. Even the runs were similar, so while that was good, there was nothing spectacular about it, but it was snowboarding so I took it. The hills were loaded with beginners so it was like dodging bullets. Made a little game of it by counting how many near misses I could have by the end of the run. Everytime I lost count. Then we jumped over to another lift, line was ridiculous. Waited an hour to get on the lift. That took us halfway up, then we jumped onto a second lift that took us to the top. And oh mah gah, the view was unbelievable. While the bottom half of the mountain looked like Blue, this half was so different. All you could see over the treeline were rolling mountains for miles and miles and a little lagoon style lake. Unreal. And once you get off the lift, bam, temple. Of course. So we stayed on this top half of the mountain where there were no lines and the runs were ace. It was all double blacks, but I surprised myself. At Blue I stayed away from the double blacks and hated going down them, but here I was just ripping through the runs. I think I pushed myself a little harder than I would have back home and it definitely paid off. Eight hours of double blacks made for a brilliant day on the slopes. Now making it back down to the bottom, that was a trek. The run was over 6km and while the first half was brilliant, the second half was riddled with beginners. There was no avoiding them, you had at least five people turning into you the entire time. Took me longer to get through about a km of this than it did the previous 5 or 6 km. Still, epic day on the slopes.

Then it was time to finalllyyy explore Mokpo. It's a city on the West Coast of my province and it has a massive foreigner population. Graham lives in Mokpo so he grabbed the rental car from there, so after we returned it, good old fashioned Korean bbq, can't get enough. Mokpo's nice, didn't see too much, but from what I did see it's a pretty decent little city. But anything with more than two major streets is nice after being inn Gurye for a while. Will definitely be returning to Mokpo to see some other sights, and hopefully head off to Jeju Island once the warm weather kicks in.

Then back to Gurye to start and finish the week. While the camp may not have been as big a success as I'd hoped (I don't think many camps are a complete success) it was a solid week. I was able to talk to other teachers more than I would have during the regular school year. We started collectively going out for lunches and even made lunch at the school a few days. I brought in some Mac 'n Cheese to let them taste. Cheddar and White Cheddar, naturally the white cheddar won. They seemed blown away that we ate this stuff on it's own. The only remark "This could use some kimchi". Everything can apparently use kimchi: ice cream, fried rice, cheese. You name it the Koreans have thrown kimchi in it. I like the stuff, and am eating more of it now,but honestly, if the apocalypse were to come I bet they would pull out kimchi as their final meal. but solid week and it flew by faster than I was expecting.

Well, that's it until I get back, jump on a flight down south for a couple weeks, be back in February, hopefully with a solid tan and some wicked pics. Hope everyone is doing well!

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